Keeping Tempo With Music Biz

Given the constant evolution of the music business, it is extremely important for today’s industry professionals to stay current with the latest trends and technologies influencing the ways we work. Music Biz’s Keeping Tempo With Music Biz content series taps into the brain trust of our member & partner community to arm readers through the tips and tricks they need to succeed, and discuss the issues affecting industry professionals on a holistic level.

MEMBERS: Do you have an idea for a future article to contribute to the series? Reach out to Henryk Bik from the Music Biz team today at

October 13, 2022 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] — UGC ID, PLZ: An Interview with Song Sleuth CTO, Ibrahim Maali

In an industry that is often black-and-white when it comes to AI/Machine Learning applications versus human input, Song Sleuth offers what might be considered a novel solution: a platform that marries proprietary AI with manual human review. Their two-step approach helps to more granularly analyze pieces of live music user-generated content (UGC) — be it a live concert recording, a song remix or a short-form video clip with live audio — and help link it to the proper content license so the original songwriters and/or artists can be fairly compensated.... Read More

August 30, 2022 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] — Navigating Modern Music Copyright Law: An Interview with Cosynd’s Liz Cimarelli

Basic copyright protection should be affordable and accessible to all creators, but unfortunately that’s not always been the case. Cosynd was created to turn the lengthy, bureaucratic, and expensive process of copyright protection into one that is intuitive, cost-competitive, and time-saving by simplifying two essential tasks — establishing ownership of copyrights and seamlessly registering them with the U.S. Copyright Office. We sat down with Cosynd’s COO and Head of Business Development, Liz Cimarelli, to shed more light on the critical steps that copyright owners must consider to keep their businesses afloat in today’s evolving legal landscape.... Read More

February 7, 2022 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] — Centralizing the Fight Against Music Streaming Fraud: An Interview with Beatdapp’s Andrew Batey & Morgan Hayduk

Music streaming has held a major place in our industry for a number of years, due to the promises of a strong value proposition to users, the democratization of promotion across major label & indie artists alike, and the ready availability of global music from artists who otherwise might not be heard. But like with every seemingly “good” innovation, there are always folks looking to exploit it for nefarious reasons. Streaming fraud is not a relatively new phenomenon,... Read More

January 12, 2022 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] — A Preview of NY:LON Connect 2022 with Music Biz’s Portia Sabin and Music Ally’s Paul Brindley

In a typical year, planning a forward-looking industry event like the NY:LON Connect global music business summit can prove challenging. How do you determine what the most prescient topics will be at the start of the year for an industry that changes as rapidly as ours does? Going into 2022, the music business saw the rapid maturation of new technologies like NFTs and high-tech in-car audio systems that are poised to open new sources of income for artists,... Read More

November 17, 2021 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] — The “Human Side” of Music Data Processing & Rights Administration: Working at The MLC with Leigh McCorkle, Chief People Officer

The passage of the Music Modernization Act (MMA) in 2018 led to the formation of what is becoming an important fixture in the modern industry: The Mechanical Licensing Collective. The organization has been tasked with collecting, tracking and paying royalties to the rightful creators & copyright owners, and administering blanket licenses for U.S. streaming & download platforms. At the heart of this highly technical data collection and payment processing is a team dedicated to ensuring that artists are fairly compensated,... Read More

October 26, 2021 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] — Music Discovery Outside of Streaming Services: An Interview with Linkfire’s Carlo Biagioni

With the rise of streaming and fast adoption among consumers, the demand for new music is greater than ever before. Every second a new song is uploaded to a streaming service, and millions of dollars are spent on helping fans discover new songs and artists. Discovery happens not only on the streaming platforms, but also across social networks, websites, blogs, and apps—basically wherever fans engage around music. In this chat with Carlo Biagioni, Head of Channel Partnerships for Linkfire,... Read More

May 12, 2021 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] Reflecting on the State of Mental Health in the Music Industry: Q&A with Godsmack’s Sully Erna & The Scars Foundation

The conversation behind openly discussing mental health & wellness is rapidly changing, as we collaborate on solutions for problems we all deal with instead of letting them fester unaddressed in the shadows. The Scars Foundation is one such voice that works to support those struggling with underlying issues of depression, addiction, bullying, abuse, disabilities and beyond through funding and education. We sat down with Godsmack’s Sully Erna, founder of the Scars Foundation, and Naomi Fabricant, the Foundation’s Executive Director,... Read More

April 13, 2021 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] Exploring the Evolution of the Music Publishing Landscape: Op-Ed By DataArt’s Sergey Bludov

Although the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the light at the end of the tunnel is brightening as vaccines are rolled out to a growing number of global citizens. But once the dust has settled, what state will the music publishing industry be in, and how long will it take for publishing revenue and the overall marketplace to get back on track? According to projections by the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC),... Read More

March 16, 2021 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] Is 2021 “The Year of Search?” — A Conversation with Hazel Savage and Team Musiio

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into a well-established, storied industry like ours has presented both exciting possibilities and potential concerns. Specific applications are a perfect fit for AI tech, particularly those that require menial data-entry tasks. Enter Musiio, who have programmed an AI that can “listen” to up to 1 million tracks a day, categorize it based on metadata points on a compositional level, and suggest similar songs based on roughly 1,500 data points.... Read More

January 19, 2021 – [Keeping Tempo With Music Biz] — Setting the Scene for the Global Music Industry in 2021: A Preview of NY:LON Connect 2021 with Music Biz’s Portia Sabin and Music Ally’s Paul Brindley

Life in the music industry right around the last NY:LON Connect summit, and the COVID-19 pandemic-minded one we find ourselves in now, are largely two different experiences. After a 10-month stretch marked by an unprecedented shift in how we do business, as well as a global focus on societal inequality and injustice, NY:LON returns (this time virtually) to help us set course through the uncharted waters of a hopefully post-pandemic, more inclusive 2021. We sat down with Music Business Association President Portia Sabin and Music Ally CEO/Co-Founder Paul Brindley to preview what’s in store for this year’s summit,... Read More