NEW MEMBER PROFILE: Infinite Catalog

This week we welcome royalty accounting software & service company, Infinite Catalog, to the Music Biz member community! Infinite Catalog helps labels, publishers, managers and artists both manage their royalty income and grow their catalogs by combining royalty data and contract info, so artists & rightsholders can easily keep track of and share with collaborators.
As catalog owners and artists themselves, the IC team strived to build solutions that transform complicated data and contract situations into simple statements and insights that anyone can understand. IC offers a first-of-its-kind, cloud-based toolset with dynamic pricing that adjusts to every catalog’s changing situation. The company is also working to set a new standard for data transparency, allowing the catalog to easily share “raw” transaction data behind every single royalty statement.

As a champion of independent music, IC chose to join Music Biz to help share info on the benefits of data transparency and profit-share deals within the indie community. The company wants to be positive leaders helping catalogs and artists understand the complexities of royalty accounting, contracts, and the flow of money in our industry. They’ll be able to accomplish this by both speaking at and attending our slate of virtual events, as well as sharing their expertise in various formats via our Educational resources.
Location: LA / NYC / London
Number of Employees: 5
Years in Business: 3
Website: https://www.infinitecatalog.com/