Trust & Safety In Music Symposium
Join us for our inaugural event hosted by the Music Business Association and Downtown Music, as a rich cross-section of music industry and public policy stakeholders host candid discussions on they can collaborate to build trust & safety in the music community for artists & consumers alike!
9:30 — 10 am ET
Doors Open & Event Welcome
10 — 10:30 am ET
Opening Keynote: Global Music Industry Coming Together on Trust & Safety
In this conversation, Andrew Bergman and Dan Runcie will set the stage for the symposium’s discussions, looking at current efforts across the music industry and identifying areas of opportunity for collaboration & commitment towards progress.
10:30 — 11:30 am ET
Facts About Fraud: How It Affects Everyone
In this panel, experts in fraud detection will discuss what they’ve seen in the music business so far, use cases of fraud that the industry as a whole should know about, and what we need to be prepared for in the future.
11:30 am — 12:30 pm ET
Outside Music: How Gaming, Film, Art & Finance are Building Trust & Safety in Their Industries
All industries face fraud, deception, non-compliance, risk, money laundering, sanctions, bribery, and similar improprieties; the music industry is no different. Music’s risks are on the rise and require a group effort to create programs of best practices mitigating these risks across the entire landscape. These panelists address fraud, regulatory, best practice, money laundering, identity verification, and similar concerns in their respective regulated and unregulated industries and are here to provide perspective about how to assess, detect, investigate,and mitigate these (and similar) risks in our industry.
12:30 — 1:45 pm ET
Lunch sponsored by Beatdapp & Networking
1:45 — 1:50 pm ET
Beatdapp Presentation
1:50 — 2:45 pm ET
Layering The Swiss Cheese: What We Can Accomplish Together
Since fraudsters work on so many levels simultaneously, it’s been suggested that fighting fraud is like layering swiss cheese – just trying to cover all the holes! In this panel, we’ll talk to people within the music industry who are working on solutions, both together and separately, to provide some guidance on best practices.
2:45 — 3:30 pm ET
Roll Up Your Sleeves: Small Group Breakouts
In this session, we’ll break the audience up into small groups, each led by a moderator, and give people the opportunity to discuss the issues that have been brought up so far. Ideally we’ll end this session with a list of goals for the future efforts of our industry to work together to combat fraud.
Breakout topics will include Core Legal Concepts; DIY Distribution Fraud; Fraud Prevention Through Infrastructure & Operational Policies; the “Human” Aspects of Trust & Safety; Identifying Common Challenges & Concerns; Sharing Best Practices; and Whose Responsibility Is It To Police Fraud?
3:30 — 4 pm ET
Closing Keynote
Brad Buckles and Amber Charania will close the symposium with a review of Brad’s career and perspective on our industry’s efforts to protect the value of music — confirming that our current state is nothing new, but our tactics and strategies must be.
4 — 5 pm ET
Closing Remarks, Call To Action & Cocktails sponsored by Downtown Music Holdings