New Member Profile Feature: Source3

Company Name: Source3
Website: www.source3.io
Location: New York, NY
Number of Employees: 15
Number of Years in Business: 2
Company Description: Source3 identifies the trademark and copyright in any product available online, including properties associated with film and tv, corporations, automotive, gaming, toys, music, sports, fashion and celebrities. We have compiled a comprehensive database of high-value intellectual property underlying the $260B global licensing industry.
Looking to Gain as a Member: We’d like to gain networking with other members, attending conventions, hosting workgroups and providing thought leadership into the field of rights management where we have a significant level of expertise.
Decision to Join Music Biz: We have a proud history working in the music industry on both the label side as well as the rights management side. RightsFlow proved to be very successful, ultimately helping YouTube monetize their music assets, and we continue to look at other opportunities to help harness the power of licensing and intellectual property rights for musicians to better help engagement, innovation, and monetization.