
New Member Profile Feature: Exactuals

Company Name: Exactuals


Location: Los Angeles, CA

Number of Employees: 25

Number of Years in Business: 8

Primary Contact: Bryan Walley, COO,

Company Description: Exactuals works with all facets of the music industry to provide secure, transparent, and rapid payments. Our PaymentHub platform can integrate with your existing calculation systems or Exactuals can perform the royalties calculations on your behalf.

Primary Service/Product: Our Software as a Service platform helps PROs, labels, licensing groups, and many others calculate and pay their artists.

Most Recent Innovation/News Item: Our flagship offering, PaymentHub, can be configured to look and feel part of your existing online presence, giving your artists a consistent experience.

Looking to Gain as a Member: Exactuals is looking to learn where and how the PaymentHub service can be improved to deliver on the industry’s needs.

Decision to Join Music Biz: The driving motivation behind joining Music Biz was to become a trusted and integral partner within the music industry.