Music Biz Consumer Insights provides regularly updated data on U.S. music consumption, with interactive, graphic-based research summaries currently available on topics such as Consumption, Discovery, Digital Natives, Devices, and Streaming, with many more to come.
The data showcased on the portal is drawn from nationally representative research panels conducted by LOOP (Lots Of Online People), which maintains a database of more than 250 million U.S. citizens. Through a combination of on and offline contact, these findings can be modelled through the wider database to allow direct marketing with pinpoint accuracy.
As an on-going process, further topics and data points will be added so please be sure to check back regularly for up to the minute consumer insights, free to our members.
“We are thrilled to open this high-value new member benefit to our Music Biz community,” said James Donio, President of Music Biz. “Music Biz Consumer Insights is bursting with actionable data that will help our members better understand U.S. consumers. We look forward to working with LOOP to ensure that this portal will always provide the most accurate and up-to-date market intelligence for our members.”
A number of in-depth market intelligence reports drilling down into issues such as Music and Millennials, In-Car Music, and Audio Hardware are also available. These reports go into granular detail of the U.S. music consumer and are available to Music Biz members at a highly discounted rate. Sample data from each full report is available for FREE by simply visiting the report section of the portal. More and more market intelligence reports will be regularly added to the portal.