Welcome Xperi to the Music Biz member community! Xperi delivers many data-driven technologies through their brands DTS, HD Radio, IMAX Enhanced, Invensas, and startup Perceive; thanks to the recent merger between Xperi and TiVo, Xperi is now also the home of TiVo Music Metadata.
The TiVo toolset offers enhanced digital music experiences in the home, on mobile, and via connected car thanks to full slate of services including:
- expert-written editorial content & ratings;
- verified music credits;
- personalization, discovery, and search APIs;
- tailor-made Classical music solutions;
- and a global Connected Car platform linking broadcast radio with streaming.
By joining our Association, the Xperi team will be able to share their more than 30 years of experience with music supply chains with the Music Biz community, while advocating for improved use of metadata & technology in our industry. Click here to learn more about the company.
Location: San Jose, CA
Number of Employees: 1800+
Years in Business: 30
Company Contact: George Cernat, Director of Product Marketing — george.cernat@xperi.com
Phone Number: (443) 602-5089
Website: https://www.xperi.com/