

We’d like to welcome new member CmdShft to the Music Biz Community! The mission of this boutique label services outfit is to educate and empower artists on their journey to building a successful career, without sacrificing their art or rights of ownership. CmdShift offers artists access to both an extensive range of services and a network of industry veterans to assist in maximizing their efforts.

With the recent passage of the Music Modernization Act and the changes it is slated to bring, it is extremely important for artists to keep up-to-date on the latest technological advancements and legal developments around the industry. As a Music Biz member, CmdShift can keep their finger on the pulse of what’s new in the music business via our slate of Educational resources. These include reports and infographics prepared by our industry partners, our Common Ground Webinar Series, and our Daily News & Analysis Emails.


Location: Nashville, TN

Number of Years in Business: 1

Number of Employees: 5

Company Contact: Jarrod Cooper, CEO;

Phone: (646) 717-1299
