
New Member Profile: Alumbrado, Inc.

Please join us in welcoming Alumbrado, Inc. to the Music Biz community! The company’s primary service, Fantasy Music, is a mobile music app that lets users draft Hip-Hop and Rap artists into a team, similar to fantasy football. Users earn points whenever artists on their team make a splash in the industry. Users can compete for concert tickets and read industry news articles. The company also has plans to expand from the mobile app space and build a record label to promote up-and-coming artists.

Alumbrado will benefit from a number of opportunities to engage with movers and shakers across the industry, both through Music Biz’s member directory and at our slate of events. The company also has access to a robust backlog of educational resources including reports, webinars, and a daily update on the latest news affecting the industry.

Location: Rhode Island

Number of Years in Business: 1

Number of Employees: 2