Music Livestreams And Fundraising: What’s Working, What’s Not In Mobilizing Donors

Back in April, One World: Together At Home, the star-studded benefit concert organized by Global Citizen and curated by Lady Gaga, raised $128 million for the World Health Organization and other Covid relief beneficiaries. But while the event drew hundreds of thousands to a six-hour concert livestream and nearly 21 million viewers across the 26 networks on which a two-hour show aired live, very few of those dollars came from individual donors.
“It wasn’t like people were providing $5, $10, $100. Donations came in primarily through sponsorship contribution,” says Paul Garwood, head of the Leadership & Internal Communications unit at the WHO.“The concert was for the people to enjoy, and the outreach was to the corporate sector to get the actual donations. That $128 million was very much raised by targeted reaching out to corporate sector partners rather than individual people.”
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