Music Industry Legend Kenny Rogers Passes Away at 81; Statement from Music Biz

Music Biz is saddened to hear of the passing of Kenny Rogers. He began his Pop/Rock career in the 1960s, but it was a decade later that he would capture the hearts of Country music fans and play a major role in expanding the audience for Country music across the globe. Rogers received the Association’s Harry Chapin Memorial Humanitarian Award in 1986. At this time, he was serving as Co-Chairman of the “Hands Across America” project. At the conclusion of the March 8 business meeting, conference attendees, along with Rogers, joined hands and sang “We Are The World” as a tribute to the project’s upcoming kick-off. Rogers returned to the NARM stage in 1999 to be honored with the Association’s Chairman’s Award for Sustained Creative Achievement. Sustained is an understatement for the career, humanitarian and entrepreneurial accomplishments of this icon. Kenny Rogers will forever be woven into the fabric of the music business. Our condolences are with Rogers’ wife and children, and with music fans across the globe that mourn his passing.