Music Biz President James Donio Releases Statement on Pending Discriminatory Tennessee Legislation

“When we decided to bring Music Biz back to Nashville in 2016, the troubling bills now before the governor were not in discussion. If these bills become law in Tennessee, they will allow discrimination against people for what they believe, how they live, or who they are — and especially penalize transgender youth at a time when they should be getting support. We urge Governor Haslam to use his veto power to put a stop to this harmful legislation.
“We strongly support the city of Nashville that has been so welcoming to Music Biz, and applaud Mayor Barry’s fierce opposition to this legislation.
“We will proceed with our May 16-18 convention at the Renaissance Hotel. In fact, our event provides a perfect forum to highlight that music serves as a unifying force around the world. It brings people together regardless of who they are. We will use our convention as an opportunity to discuss the need to celebrate diversity — rather than advancing or sanctioning discrimination — and how our business can be a positive force for fostering acceptance and understanding.
“Music Biz’s goal is to hold its convention in a place that embraces diversity in its fullest form, and we want to see Tennessee be true to that ideal.”
Please see legislation documents below for more insight.
HB 2414: “Bathroom Bill”
As introduced, requires students in public schools and public institutions of higher education to use restrooms and locker rooms that are assigned to persons of the same sex as that shown on the students’ birth certificates.
HB 1840: “Counseling Discrimination”
As introduced, declares that no person providing counseling or therapy services shall be required to counsel or serve a client as to goals, outcomes, or behaviors that conflict with a sincerely held religious belief of the counselor or therapist. – Amends TCA Title 4; Title 49 and Title 63.