[MEMBER UPDATE] Artist Growth Launches Mobile Offline Data Access

Artist Growth Launches Mobile Offline Data Access, Becoming the Music Industry’s Most Robust Tour & Business Management Platform
Marking several firsts for the music industry, Artist Growth – the leading business tool for musicians “from start to finish” (Bloomberg Businessweek) – has taken it’s tour and business management platform to a new level by bringing user-friendly, offline data access to it’s customers via brand new iOS and Android applications, and releasing a platform wide design update.
Artist Growth Mobile
The launch of these apps with offline data access puts Artist Growth into a class by itself. Already the most robust, cloud-based application for tour management, AG now surpasses competitors in the mobile space as well.
Matt Eldridge, Artist Growth client & tour manager/production manager for the band, Moon Taxi, says:
“Artist Growth has proved to be an essential tool in the world of tour management. Whether it be merch-management or road reports, no questions are left unanswered. AG continues to grow in conjunction with the ever-changing industry, while centering their values on the artists who use their platform.”
App for iOS: https://appsto.re/us/RL_kdb.i
App for Android: https://play.google.com/store/
Artist Growth Experience
This launch also includes a face-lift for the Artist Growth product line. Always striving to deliver a modern and intuitive user experience, AG proves a UI/UX leader in an industry still abundant in out-dated interfaces and technologies.
Artist Growth co-founder, CEO, and recording artist, Matt Urmy, says:
“Music is a mobile industry unlike any other. Having team-based access to data in the mobile context is critical. Our mission is for our clients to reclaim hours of their life each week, so we obsess over our interface being beautiful and easy to use. I know what a constant grind it is to be on tour, so we aim to provide technology that is the opposite…beautiful and straightforward, robust and powerful. Our new apps, and offline data access take that to a new level.”
More info & images at www.artistgrowth.com/presskit
For more information, please contact: Miki Kaczmarzyk – miki@artistgrowth.com