
Meet Music Biz’s Newest Member: Entertainment Intelligence

Company Name: Entertainment Intelligence

Location: London, UK

Number of Employees: 10

Number of Years in Business: 3

Primary Contact: Erik Gilbert, Director,

Company Description: Independent start up Entertainment Intelligence (Ei) is changing the way the music industry collects, views and utilizes data. Not a generic reporting platform; Ei has built tailor made, ever evolving solutions that help the industry truly understand their market, save time and increase efficiency. Ei is unique in its ability to seamlessly blend information including social, sales and consumption data from a limitless number of sources, tracking and analyzing information at breath-taking speed. Say hello to the future!

Primary Service/Product: Ei collects, cleans and categorizes data for a wide range of businesses in the entertainment industry allowing every sector a unique insight across sales, playlists, socials and live.

Most Recent Innovation/News Item: Ei has recently launched its Playlist analytic platform, driven by the extensive granular data we collect from DSP’s.

Looking to Gain as a Member: To be part of a growing community that has a keen interest in solving the challenges posed by the ever increasing pool of data the music industry is generating.

Decision to Join Music Biz: To learn from and network with both music and technology companies.