Farewell Tours Were One of the Biggest Stories of 2018 – Here’s What Comes Next For the Live Arena Circuit

Towards the end of the first show of his farewell tour at Allentown, Pennsylvania’s PPL Center, Elton John paused to explain why, after 50 years of being one of the biggest and most profitable forces on the live circuit, he decided it was time to say his extended goodbye. “I have the most beautiful family and I really need to spend more time with them,” he said. “I know you understand since a lot of you have children of your own. I just want to be there for them and that’s why I’m doing this tour. It’s to say thank you and say goodbye to touring.”
With a large percentage of the most seminal acts of the baby boomer generation soon to be out of the touring picture, what happens now for the concert industry — particularly for those who book and promote shows at arenas?
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