
[Event] Article 17: Are We Ready? — Dec. 8-9, 2020

Article 17 is the largest reform in copyright history, one that stands to benefit music rightsholders, content creators and digital platforms alike. To help us all get a handle on the legislation’s sweeping changes, Music Biz is proud to partner with Pex to host this two-day virtual conference — the first in a series of educational events on the topic of Article 17 — programmed to clear up any confusion about the implications of Article 17 reforms, and discuss what improved legal protections and monetary gains it offers to relevant stakeholders! The program will cover various ways the legislation stands to benefit both rightsholders and digital platforms, and how both groups can prep for its full implementation in Summer 2021.

For more information on the implications of Article 17 on the music business, check out our latest Keeping Tempo interview with Pex CEO Rasty Turek.

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