Extracurricular Activities (for all applicants) In the box below, please list any high school/university-sponsored or community-sponsored activities that you have participated in during the past three years. Applicants must include name of activity, grades in which you participated in the activity, and positions you held, and honors or letters earned. (i.e., Student Council, 10th-12th grade, Vice President 11th grade, President 12th grade) Please separate activities with returns.
Leisure Interests and Hobbies Please indicate your leisure interests or hobbies, noting any accomplishments.
Employment Please list any jobs (including summer employment) you have held in the past three years. Applicants must list position title, employer, approximate dates for employment, and approximate number of hours worked per week. (i.e., server, IHOP, June 2013-May 2015, 15 hours per week). Please separate each job entry with a return.
Extras - Personal Statement If you think that the information provided in this application does not present a clear picture, or if you feel there are any special circumstances that should be taken into consideration when the committee reviews your application, please provide a personal statement here.
Application Essay* Please respond to ONE of the two items listed below. Describe the one interest or activity (in or out of school) that has most engaged your time and energy within the past three years and to which you feel you have made the strongest commitment. How do you evaluate the results of your involvement in this endeavor? Clearly describe your role in it. OR Discuss your plans for the future, including choice of a career, and how you plan to prepare yourself for that career.