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Music Biz 2024
The Bizzy Awards
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Music Biz Passport
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Keeping Tempo With Music Biz
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Music Biz Member Survey
Music Biz Member Survey
Are you aware that you are a member of the Music Business Association?
Yes, I am aware I am a member and utilize member benefits.
Yes, I am aware but I do not utilize member benefits.
I think my company is a member, but I personally am not engaged.
No, I did not know I am a member.
Are you aware that Music Biz memberships are company-based, therefore all employees of a member company can reap the benefits of membership by simply being added to our database?
Over the past 18 months, which member benefits listed below have you taken advantage of, which were you aware but did not utilize, and which were you not aware of?
The Annual Music Biz Conference
I have attended this event
I am aware of this event
I was not aware of this event
The Entertainment & Technology Law Conference
I have attended this event
I am aware of this event
I was not aware of this event
NY:LON Connect Global Music Summit
I have attended this event
I am aware of this event
I was not aware of this event
Common Ground Webinar Series Virtual Events
I have attended one or more Music Biz webinar
I am aware of Music Biz's webinar series
I was not aware of the webinar series
The newly-established Music Biz LIVE Zoom interview series
I have attended one or more Music Biz LIVE event
I am aware of the Music Biz LIVE series
I was not aware of the Music Biz LIVE series
The Future Of What Podcast
I have listened to The Future of What podcast
I am aware of this podcast
I was not aware of this podcast
Sponsorship of the Annual Music Biz Conference
My company has sponsored the Music Biz Conference
I am aware of these sponsorship opportunities
I was not aware of these sponsorship opportunities
Music Biz's Job Center
I have logged into Music Biz's Job Center to search for a job or post a position to be filled
I am aware that Music Biz hosts a Job Center
I was not aware that Music Biz hosts a Job Center
Music Biz's Scholarship Foundation
I have, or a member of my family, has applied for a scholarship through the Scholarship Foundation
I am aware of Music Biz's Scholarship Foundation
I was not aware of Music Biz's Scholarship Foundation
Music Biz's Member Discounts Page
I have visited the Discounts page
I am aware that Music Biz offers exclusive member discounts
I was not aware that Music Biz offers exclusive member discounts
Keeping Tempo blog series
I have read one or more Keeping Tempo articles
I am aware that Music Biz hosts the Keeping Tempo blog
I was not aware of the Keeping Tempo blog
Our News Submission portal, allowing you to share company news with fellow members
I have submitted news through Music Biz's member portal
I am aware that I can submit news to Music Biz for sharing
I was not aware that I can submit news to Music Biz for sharing
Music Biz's concierge service to connect to other members
I have used Music Biz's concierge service
I am aware of Music Biz's concierge service
I was not aware of Music Biz's concierge service
Bi-Weekly Member Digest email
I have read Music Biz's bi-weekly Member Digest
I am aware that Music Biz distributes a bi-weekly Member Digest
I was not aware that Music Biz distributes a bi-weekly Member Digest
Our Daily Email Feed, with Association and Industry Updates
I have signed up for/read the Daily Email Feed
I am aware of Music Biz's Daily Email Feed email feed
I was not aware of aware of Music Biz's Daily Email Feed email feed
Of the services that you took advantage of, which of these did you find MOST valuable?
Of the services that you took advantage of, which of these did you find LEAST valuable?
What additional services would you like to see Music Biz offer?
What other types of members would you like to see be part of the Association? (Be broad, i.e., more managers or be specific, i.e., Tidal)
In an effort to program future events both virtual and face-to-face, what industry-related topics are of most interest to you right now?
Would you be interested in joining issue specific working groups (i.e., Diversity & Inclusion Committee, Sustainable Packaging Committee)?
Are there specific industry issues you feel Music Biz should consider forming working groups to address?
Do you currently follow our organization on social media (@MusicBizAssoc on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; or LinkedIn)?
Please specify the platform(s) on which you follow @MusicBizAssoc:
How would you prefer to hear from your trade association (select all methods that apply)
Phone Calls
Social Media
Text Message
Association App
How often have you visited, the Association’s website?
At least once a week
At least once a month
How likely are you to recommend membership in the Music Business Association to a friend or colleague?
Extremely Likely
Somewhat Likely
Would Not Recommend
What are the main reasons for which you would recommend membership in the Music Business Association to a friend or colleague?Untitled
Use the box below to provide any additional feedback not covered in the questions above, or to expand upon any of your answers above.